This is a follow up to the post done on August 19. "Plant of the Week #17...Again Blazing Star". A challenge was made to identify the butterfly in the photo that was taken in Missouri in 2022 but that had been documented for the first time in Wisconsin on August 21, 2023. Here is that photo again:
It is a Zabulon skipper! Since the post, it has been seen 3 more times in Wisconsin as shown on the excellent website
Just click the link and then click on the last category, "Grass-Skippers" and you will find this description:
Notice that it has been seen 3 times since August 19- on August 24 and 25, and September 1, each time in Walworth County.
Justin Nooker identified the butterfly, so he gets the kudos!
As this summer wanes and in the coming years, keep an eye out for this butterfly as it seems to be extending its range north. Maybe you will be the first to see it in La Crosse County! And while you're at it, look for other cool butterflies like the Leonard's Skipper mentioned in Justin's comment.